She has been practicing yoga since she was twelve, but her life changed dramatically when she began practicing Kundalini Yoga at age 36 after two years of sobriety. Begin mantra in whichever way you wish to channel. Outloud to signify action, quietly to speak to yourself, addiction meditation kundalini or internally to channel the spirit. Then repeat the mantra in the opposite that you’ve started. For instance, if you began the mantra internally, try speaking out loud. As mentioned before, the tone is important depending on your goal for your meditation.
Guidelines for Kundalini Meditation Practice
Since 1973, SuperHealth® has been on the cutting edge of behavioral health and addiction recovery. It is a perfect blend of the ancient yogic wisdom of the East with the innovations of the West. This supports one to move from recovery to self-discovery.
Meditation for Healing Addictions
The subconscious is a part of the mind we aren’t always aware of. It exists, collecting memories without our focus. It’s responsible for the automatic responses and impulsive behaviors. All our products have been approved by Guru Rattana, Ph.D., for the purposes of instruction in, and the daily practice of, the ancient and time-tested technology of Kundalini Yoga. They reflect her own unique perspectives and insights, inspired by a lifetime study of the teachings of Yogi Bhajan, and of Sikhism and other spiritual disciplines. The best day to begin any regime or Sadhana to break or make new habits is the New Moon.
You will Live Mindfully
But Kundalini meditation will give you the tools to become open to infinite possibilities. Rather than living in response to your karma, try breaking out of the cycle through this practice. This chant music uses harmonic flows to increase the serotonin and dopamine levels in your brain. By regulating these tones through mantras, breath, and rhythm, we can produce profound effects on our vitality and wellbeing. Focusing on primal energy, this meditation practice acts as a way of channeling one’s sacred energy. She became a certified Kundalini Yoga teacher in 2011 and immediately went to Liberia in West Africa to teach Kundalini Yoga to civil war refugees.
Choose What to Wear
Sit in Easy Pose with a straight spine and eyes closed. Bring your arms up and hold your opposite forearms near your elbows. Your left hand should be parallel to your right. Keep your fingers together and very stiff throughout. Take in a Long Deep Breath and breathe mechanically for 9 minutes. This kriya will force you to deal with your heart center.
#6 Kriya for Being Human: Balancing Heaven and Earth
Do this 3-5 minute exercise 3 or more times a day, especially at moments when you are being pulled to a compulsive, addictive behavior. In 2020, several people who’d previously practiced under Bhajan or worked closely with him came forward with allegations of sexual, physical, and emotional abuse against him. While many practitioners still believe in the benefits of Kundalini yoga, there are questions about what the future of Kundalini yoga should look like. Even when Kundalini evolved from meditative teachings to include physical practices (yoga), it remained unknown outside of these select teachers and students.
People often practice Kundalini meditation specifically to experience the release of energy known as a Kundalini awakening. Many people find this somewhat of a spiritual experience, but it might sound a little overwhelming if you don’t know what to expect. Ultimately, practicing yoga — whether it’s Kundalini or another method — is not reserved for folks from the areas they originated in. However, before diving into a practice that has deep roots that are different from yours, remember that those communities and traditions deserve the proper acknowledgement and respect.
Choose the Length of Practice
Begin bending your right knee so your body drops down and up again. Continue this powerfully and rhythmically for 2 minutes. Focus on your navel point and listen to Naad, Blessing by Sangeet Kaur. After 8 minutes, begin to sing along using the power of your navel. Move both of your hands up and down at the same time as if you are bouncing a ball.
Choose When to Practice
Aim to do this so that there are four segments of both inhales and exhales during a complete breath. If you feel dizzy at any point, then stop the practice. While you breathe, you will chant a mantra to help you focus. One good example for beginners is the mantra “sat nam,” which means “truth is my identity.” Sit on the floor cross-legged or sit in a chair with your weight resting on your feet. Most importantly, choose a position that is comfortable to you where you can sit upright with a straight spine.
- You must also tend to the psychological reasons why you would begin abusing drugs or alcohol.
- Keep your fingers together and very stiff throughout.
- It’s responsible for the automatic responses and impulsive behaviors.
- Food is often used an inappropriate substitute for the above and other needs.
Choose a Mantra
The higher self, also known as the witness, is the conscious part of you who looks down on the ego. The ego, of course, being the source of all our problems. Understanding this in Kundalini was like a lightbulb going off in my head. Utilizing this knowledge in my real life came easily after figuring out that things are less painful when you can see them outside of the ego-mind. In the deep well of addiction, it takes various methods to really get past it. In an addiction program, yoga will often be used as one of the therapies.